Kia Niro: Hybrid System Overview / Niro hybrid energy flow

Kia hybrid system notifies the drivers of energy flow in various operating modes. Eleven Modes show drivers the current operating condition.

HEV (Hybrid electric vehicle) system
The Kia Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) uses both the gasoline engine and the electric motor for power. The electric motor is run by a 240V high-voltage HEV battery. Depending on the driving conditio ...

Vehicle Stop
The mode means the vehicle at stop. (There is no energy flow.) ...

Other information:

Kia Niro (DE HEV) Owners Manual: To set cruise control speed
1. Press the CRUISE / button on the steering wheel, to turn the system on. The cruise indicator light will illuminate. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed, which must be more than approximately 30 km/h (20 mph). 3. Move the lever down (to SET-), and release it at the desired speed. The cru ...

Kia Niro 2017 (DE HEV) Service Manual: Components and components location
Components 1. Reservoir tank 2. Reservoir hose & pipe 3. Radiator 4. Radiator upper hose 5. Radiator lower hose 6. Radiator upper mounting bracket [RH] 7. Radiator upper mounting bracket [LH] 8. Radiator lower mounting insulator [ ...

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